Mooshika’s bridegroom

A hawk swooped down on a little mouse, picked her up with claws and soared into the sky. The mouse somehow wriggled out of the clutches of the hawk, and fell from a great height. Around the same time, a sage having a bath in the river Ganga, was scooping…
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Lion in the cave

An old and hungry lion was looking for food. He was too tired to hunt for his food. His bones ached all the time. He came across a cave. He decided to hide in a nearby bush to see who would come out from the cave. After a few hours,…
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The frog and the serpent

Gangadatta was the king of frogs in a well. His subjects and other relatives too, lived in the same well. The relatives had an eye on his throne and often created problems for King Frog. Soon there was a revolt against the King Frog. He somehow pacified the frogs by…
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